Lollipop's Playland and Café Ellenbrook

Lollipop's Ellenbrook

Terms and Conditions

A few things you should know…

  • A non-refundable deposit is required to secure your booking.
  • Invitations will be issued once the deposit is paid.
  • Payment in full is required at the end of the party, sorry no personal cheques.
  • Please no outside food or drink is to be brought into the Playland. Exemptions made for medical reasons.
  • We cater for dietary needs including diabetic, vegetarian and allergies.
  • No cakes are allowed to be brought into the Playland unless you have a pre-booked party. Children’s birthday cake only.
  • Any discount vouchers or offers valid for use with your party are to be presented at the time of purchase.
  • Don’t forget your socks!